Short History 1966-2001
Origin: On the 18th of September 1966, six individuals (originating from the village of Chasa in India) met at 31 Wilson St. in Leicester UK. Their concern was the maintainance of the Mosque and Madressah in the village of Chasa. (The six were Alibhai Mohamed Sidat(master), Ebrahim Bhai Mohamed Mulla, Mussa Bhai Mohamed Jogee, Mussa Bhai Fakir Sidat, Yusuf Bhai Mahomed Mulla and Alibhai Ahmed Sidat).
The following was decided at this meeting:
An income stream needed to be established to support the Mosque and Madressah in Chasa.This could best be achieved by buying a property and establishing regular rental income. Funds should be canvassed from Chasawasi community members in Blackburn, Dewsbury, Batley and London. A Body called Chasa Sunatal-wal-jamaat UK be established. A bank account in this name to be opened at the Leicester Trustee Bank, Melbourne Road. Each meeting participant contributed £50.00 (lillah) and work was formally begun.
A general meeting of all Chasawasi residents in the UK was called on the 24th of April 1970 (at the time approx 150 families were resident in the UK, majority in Blackburn). 70 individuals attended the meeting. This meeting decided to:
Make Blackburn the head Office for the society. Appointed a board of trustees comprising of Ahmed (Kolabhai) Mussa Makda, Alibhai Mohamed Jogee, Ahmed Bhai Saleh Bham and Hafez Osman Bhai Dewan. Funds to be shifted to Blackburn Bank. Fund raising to be actively pursued.